Centrifuge for drying fragile salads

In the fresh produce industry, ensuring the integrity of delicate products like fragile salads during drying is crucial. Traditional drying methods often lead to product damage and inconsistency, which can affect overall quality and shelf life.

Gentle drying with minimal product damage

The FTNON Super Batch Centrifuge from JBT is designed to provide uniform and effective drying treatment while minimizing product damage. This centrifuge uses a conical drum where the salad products are evenly divided over the drum wall at low speeds, reducing falling heights. This feature ensures that fragile salads are handled gently, preserving their integrity. With a capacity of 2,800 kg (6,160 lbs) per hour based on Iceberg lettuce, it offers high throughput within a small footprint. The system is hygienic and easy to clean, with no drive components above the product, reducing contamination risks. Additionally, it is easy to maintain due to its simple design with few parts.


  • Maintains salad integrity with gentle drying
  • High capacity up to 2,800 kg per hour
  • Small footprint for space efficiency
  • Hygienic design with easy cleaning
  • Simple maintenance with few parts

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