Air rinsing system for containers

Traditional water rinsing solutions for containers used in the food and pharmaceutical sectors use and waste large amounts of water. The rinsed containers then need a drying cycle which contributes to further energy use. By moving to a custom-built waterless rinsing solution, you can slash water consumption and improve line efficiency.

Waterless rinsing system for sanitary packaging requirements

The Ion3 Air Rinsing System from Jetair Technologies is a completely waterless solution for rinsing containers to be used in food and beverage or pharmaceuticals production.

By combining an ionisation system with a highly efficient blower unit, the Ion3 not only eliminates water consumption but saves energy. The direct drive centrifugal blowers deliver clean and filtered ionised air using 70% of the energy of traditional compressed air systems.

By including vacuum debris collection and HEPA filtration, the Ion3 is a completely self-contained rinsing solution that can process up to 90,000 containers per hour.

Ion3 is custom-designed to your requirements, and bespoke air pressure and flow, air knife nozzles, and guide rails ensure your internal and external container rinsing needs are met completely. The innovative design means that Ion3 can rinse containers with openings as small as 28mm.


  • Water-free rinsing reduces resource consumption
  • Save up to 70% energy compared to compressed air
  • Bespoke design for your needs ensures perfect rinsing
  • High throughput of up to 90,000 containers per hour
  • Vacuum debris collection with HEPA for better air quality

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