Two-phase decanter centrifuge for olive oil production

In the olive oil industry, efficiently separating olive paste into its component phases is critical. Traditional methods can be time-consuming and less effective, affecting the quality and yield of the final product. Enhancing both yield and clarity with minimal maintenance presents a significant operational challenge.

Separates olive paste into oil and wet solids

The Alfa Laval Olive Oil Y-series of decanter centrifuges is designed for two-phase operation, focusing on cost-effective and efficient olive oil production processes. Featuring a special conveyor design, this centrifuge optimizes oil yield and clarity while minimizing turbulence and maintenance needs. The open and gentle feed zone design, known as “Esbjerg”, ensures maximum performance and wear resistance. Additionally, tungsten carbide tiles on the conveyor of models Y9 and Y10 offer superior wear protection, available optionally for model Y8. Electronic control of conveyor speed via a variable frequency drive (VFD) and direct drive gearbox from Alfa Laval reduces power consumption and transmission wear. High-quality stainless steel construction and hinged casings simplify maintenance and cleaning. The system also comes with an electronic overload protection feature, ensuring safe and reliable operation.


  • Maximized oil yield with optimized separation
  • Reduced maintenance costs with wear-resistant materials
  • Energy-efficient operation through variable frequency drive
  • Easy maintenance with high-quality stainless steel and hinged casings
  • Enhanced operational safety with electronic overload protection

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