Steam-based seed disinfection system

Handling seed-borne fungi, insects, and bacteria without losing germination and vigor is critical in agriculture. Conventional methods often fall short, compromising seed quality and effectiveness.

Disinfect seeds efficiently using steam technology

The BioFlash Continue 400L is a steam-based seed disinfection system developed by Hoopman Equipment. This technology disinfects naked or treated seeds from fungi, insects, and bacteria while maintaining or enhancing seed germination and vigor. Utilizing precise dosage of temperature, steam, and treatment time, it ensures thorough cleaning. It is modular, making it easy to integrate within existing seed treatment chains, and has low energy consumption. Suitable for both conventional and organic farming, it also supports the application of beneficial fungi or bacteria, such as Mycorrhiza ssp. and Pseudomonas ssp., aiding further seed treatment optimization.


  • Maintains and often enhances seed germination and vigor
  • Precise control over temperature, steam, and treatment time
  • Integrates modularly into existing treatment systems
  • Low energy consumption and full traceability
  • Suitable for both conventional and organic farming



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