Solid biomass receiving systems

Biomass fuels come in many forms and are often handled in very large quantities.  Shipment must be economical and may be via truck, train, or ship depending on local conditions.  The varying nature of the fuels and transport options present materials handling challenges that can make or break an industrial process.  Therefore, successful biomass energy conversion facilities require customized solutions from a specialized materials handling partner.

Customized biomass receiving systems from an expert partner

Raumaster has been working in the wood processing and energy industries in Finland for over 30 years.  The company is a world renowned expert in biomass material handling solutions and offers customized receiving solutions tailored to the needs of your plant.  Biomass fuels including wood chips, logging residues, bark, pellets, briquettes, peat, coal, recycled wood fuels, agricultural wastes and byproducts, and solid recovered fuels can be handed in a very wide range of capacities.  Fuels can be received from trucks, trains, or ships and fully integrated solutions including chain reclaimers, step feeders, screw pockets, and belt feeders are available.  Mixing of fuels immediately after receiving can also be accommodated.  Whatever the fuel and particular needs of your biomass energy conversion plant, Raumaster has the engineers and experience to develop an optimal solution.



  • Handle a very wide variety of biomass fuel
  • Over 30 years experience in providing material handling solutions for biomass
  • Receive biomass fuels delivered via, road, rail, or water
  • Customized solutions tailored to the specific process and economic needs of your plant
  • Receiving solutions readily integrated with subsequent process equipment

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