Labeling machine for BFS containers

The pharmaceutical sector is unquestionably one of the major industries that rely on the Blow-Fill-Seal process. Blow-Fill-Seal containers are used to store rinse solutions, eye drops, antiseptics, and infusion solutions. Quality inspections are usually required for this process to ensure that the product’s quality is uncompromised. However, when it comes to packaging delicate materials such as medicines, finding a labeling machine that ensures ease of use and maximum operator safety is incredibly difficult.

Ensure quality application of self-adhesive labels

Specifically designed for BFS container handling, Etima’s Pharma ML-BFS guarantees the inspection, data management, and labeling required to fulfill the needs and requirements of every client. The ML-BFS can be used for vials, boxes, and cylindrical or flat-surfaced containers. Its advanced technology ensures easy application of self-adhesive labels, while its Optical Character Recognition and Optical Character Verification technology detects and weeds out any printing errors. This technology also inspects the quality and legibility of the text and determines whether it meets the highest standards.

Featuring a diaphanous space and a curved finish, it is easy to maintain and clean, while can be adjusted quickly. This customized-machinery is designed to meet the requirements of every client and is further integrated with artificial inspection or vision, and Track & Trace systems.


  • Printing errors are substantially reduced
  • NOVEXX labeling heads deliver exceptional performance, even at high application speeds
  • Curved finish and diaphanous space makes it easy to use and clean
  • High quality construction ensures durability and reliability

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