Industrial centrifuge for fine solid dewatering

Effective dewatering of fine crystalline or granular solids is crucial in various industrial processes, particularly for particle sizes ranging from 3 to 100 microns. Achieving the required dryness while maintaining reliability and efficiency is often a significant challenge.

Dewater fine solids with reliable performance

The REINEVELD Centrifuge by Dedert is specifically designed for the dewatering of fine crystalline or granular solids within the 3 to 100 micron particle size range. Known for their rugged construction and dependable service, these centrifuges are widely used in major starch refineries globally, including applications in corn, wheat, tapioca, and potato starches. They are also suitable for food, beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. When processing starch suspensions, both modified and unmodified, the centrifuges can handle up to 230 metric tons of dry product per day, dependent on the product type. Dedert has been manufacturing these centrifuges for over 45 years, providing comprehensive repair, maintenance, testing, and custom design services. The REINEVELD Centrifuge models include HVC 1301, HVC 1728, and HVC 2103, with basket diameters of 1400mm, 1725mm, and 2100mm, respectively. Dedert supports these machines with on-site pilot test facilities, ensuring they meet specific customer process requirements.


  • Handles fine solids within 3 to 100 micron particle size
  • High capacity, up to 230 metric tons/day
  • Reliable performance with robust design
  • Applicable in multiple industries including food and chemical
  • Comprehensive maintenance and custom design services available



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