Green bean cutting solution

In the food processing industry, achieving uniform cutting of green beans is essential for maintaining product quality and consistency. Without a reliable cutting technique, variations in bean length can affect the overall product appearance and cooking performance.

Cuts green beans to predefined lengths

The Cabinplant bean cutter is specifically designed to cut green beans into consistent, predefined lengths. The integrated vibrator aligns the beans longitudinally before they are fed to the cutting tools, which consist of multiple knives and knife cutting bases. This precise cutting mechanism ensures 100% efficiency, providing a homogeneous cut every time. The machine is built with an easy-to-clean design, featuring a stainless steel construction for durability and hygiene. Additionally, it includes a central greasing system to minimize maintenance and a by-pass feature for whole bean production. This cutting solution is ideal for applications in the fruit and vegetable processing industry.


  • Ensures uniform bean cutting
  • Reduces waste and improves product consistency
  • Easy cleaning reduces downtime
  • Durable stainless steel construction
  • Central greasing system minimizes maintenance

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