Full case inspection for food, beverage, and pharma industries

In the food and beverage industry, ensuring the integrity of packaging is essential to prevent damage during transport and storage. Incorrect outer packaging or faulty closures can lead to compromised product quality and safety issues.

Ensure outer packaging integrity for full cases

The HEUFT GX is a comprehensive full case inspection system designed to check the quality features of newly packed cases, trays, and cardboard boxes. It detects external features such as deformations, raised cardboard box flaps, incorrect colors, and logos. Additionally, the system ensures that food containers inside the outer packaging are not missing, underfilled, lying, too high, or incorrectly closed. Using a combination of optical, inductive, and radiometric technologies, the HEUFT GX provides accurate detection. Infrared recognition verifies the completeness of the containers within the case, while X-ray technology identifies missing, lying, or underfilled containers. It integrates seamlessly into existing systems and offers automatic adjustments for different package types. The modular design allows easy upgrades and expansions to meet the specific needs of diverse industries.


  • Precise detection of packaging flaws
  • Ensures product safety and integrity
  • Automatic adjustments for different package types
  • Easy integration and modular upgrades
  • Real-time online connection for efficiency and quality management



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