Drum washing system for tubers and roots

When processing tubers and root vegetables, achieving an optimal wash is essential to ensure product quality and safety. Issues such as soil removal and achieving a consistent clean can be challenging, especially with particularly dirty produce.

Effective cleaning for root vegetables

The Drum Washing System by Boema S.p.A. is available in two versions, designed to tackle the cleaning of tubers and root vegetables. The L3 model features a rotating drum made of stainless steel profiles suitable for lighter tasks, while the L3P model is designed for more intensive cleaning with a heavier drum suited for desoiling. Both versions keep the produce inside a cylindrical drum where water and surface friction effectively remove dirt. This method ensures thorough cleaning while minimizing potential damage to the produce. The system is efficient for processing both mildly and heavily soiled products, and its robust design ensures long-term reliability.


  • Thorough cleaning for various levels of soil contamination
  • Robust stainless steel construction for durability
  • Two models available to suit different cleaning needs
  • Effective use of water and friction for optimal results
  • Minimized product damage during cleaning process



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