Chocolate conche for small batches and laboratory use

Conching plays a critical role in the flavor development of chocolates. Laboratory testing and development work require the use of a small conche that allows precise control of process parameters.

Conche small homogenous batches with precise control

The Lab Conche from JAF INOX is ideal for small batches and laboratory work on all types of fine chocolate. The special design and a 3hp engine allow clockwise mixing and counter clockwise conching with high shear stress to provide a perfectly homogeneous mass without the use of additives. The lab conche has a 1.2KW electrical heater and a PID temperature controller with a resolution of 0.1’C. The PT-100 sensors allow continuous monitoring of water and product temperatures. The lab conche is fitted with micro-exhaustion for the removal of volatiles. It also allows natural exhaustion via open lid/grill. It has a stainless steel construction and a capacity of 10Kg/batch.


  • Prepare small batches for product development and testing
  • Corrosion free, stainless steel construction
  • Produces a smooth, homogenous mixture due to efficient mixing
  • Consistent quality with precise temperature control
  • Enhanced flavor through removal of volatiles

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