Automatic mascara filling machine

Do you need to increase your efficiency and production volumes whilst reducing your costs? For larger production volumes, smaller machines requiring manual intervention are often a false economy. Modular, fully automatic systems that grow with your production requirements can provide reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Fully automatic mascara filling, closing and quality control system

By adding optional automatic bottle and brush loading modules you can create a completely automatic production system – fantastic efficiency savings.

Capable of finishing up to 3,000 pieces per hour, the IDM Automation MF-301 will automatically reject the invalid products, improving your final quality and reducing returns.

Can be teamed with labeling and packaging options as the heart of a fully automatic production line.


  • High throughput with minimal manual handling - reduce costs and increase your efficiency
  • Built in quality control rejects product with missing brushes, under-filled, etc.
  • Start with manual brush and bottle loading, upgrade to automatic later - total flexibility to match your level of investment and cost requirements

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