Two Roll chocolate pre-refiner
A pre-refiner is commonly utilized to refine and calibrate the sugar crystals in the chocolate batch and get the it ready for the refining process.
Preparation for optimal fine refining
The Two Roll chocolate pre-refiner, from Royal Duyvis Wiener, are optimized for the highest productivity, designed to refine and calibrate the sugar crystals to a fineness of 120 to 180 microns. Extremely durable and resistant to wear, with its specially designed components: hydraulic controls, gap adjustment, and drive technology, effortlessly produce pre-ground chocolate batches, ready for the subsequent refining process.
- Extremely durable and resistant to wear
- Perfect for small or medium capacity chocolate production
- Hydraulic controls, gap adjustment, and drive technology
- Effortlessly produce pre-ground chocolate batches
- Ready for the subsequent refining process