Systems for processing confectionery rework

In confectionery production, waste such as sugar dust, start-up and shut-down scraps, and plant malfunctions are inevitable. To maximize resource use and minimize waste, these byproducts can be reprocessed into a reusable neutral solution.

Convert confectionery waste into reusable syrup

The Haensel-Processing system is designed to process confectionery rework, turning production waste into a neutral syrup that can be reused in various confectionery recipes. It dissolves waste with water to create a sugar-glucose syrup-water solution with 40-45% dry matter. This solution can be further processed to replace up to 15% of the ingredients in new confectionery batches. The system effectively handles various types of confectionery waste, including hard candies, lollipops, jelly products, and marshmallows, with minimal need for packaging material separation. Utilizing this system contributes to both economic and ecological efficiency by reducing waste and optimizing raw material usage. Haensel-Processing draws on extensive experience in sugar and glucose processing to offer a reliable solution for recycling confectionery waste.


  • Reuses up to 15% of ingredients in new batches
  • Handles a variety of confectionery waste
  • Reduces overall production waste
  • Minimal need for packaging separation
  • Supports economic and ecological efficiency



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