Pure steam generator for pharmaceutical sterilization

In the pharmaceutical industry, sterilization processes require pure steam free from non-condensable gases and particulate matter. Meeting stringent regulatory standards ensures that the end product is safe and effective for patient use.

Produces high-quality pure steam

The Finn-Aqua TC series pure steam generator is designed in compliance with cGMP requirements, providing superior quality steam tailored for the pharmaceutical and biological industries in the USA and EU. This generator utilizes multi-effect distillation powered by steam heat. Its three-stage separation process ensures that the produced PS condensate water meets WFI (Water for Injection) quality standards. Continuous non-condensable gas removal technology ensures that the generated steam meets dryness, saturation, and non-condensable gas standards as dictated by HTM 2010 and EN 285. The system features a Siemens S7 series control system, known for its user-friendly interface, allowing for seamless operation. Supplier: Austar. Brand: Steris.


  • Meets stringent regulatory standards (cGMP, HTM 2010, EN 285)
  • Produces high-quality steam continuously
  • User-friendly Siemens S7 control system
  • Multi-effect distillation for efficient processing
  • Ensures WFI quality standard compliance



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