Continuous in-line softgel drying system

High output softgel (or soft gelatin) capsule encapsulating machines can operate below maximum efficiency if relying on a traditional tumble dryer and drying tunnel system for the all-important capsule drying cycle. A dedicated continuous drying system dries non-hygroscopic oil fills in a continuous in-line process, and at the end of the drying cycle the capsules are discharged ready for inspection. This completely eliminates the need for drying trays and tunnels, and allows high volume encapsulators to work at full efficiency.

Complete softgel drying system for high volume oil-filled capsule production

The ILDS24 from Technophar is an automated, continuous oil-filled capsule drying system that uses 2 parallel rows of 12 drying units. The drying lines have 3 zones where air is fed at different temperatures and humidity profiles to ensure the most efficient drying process for your softgel capsules. The use of pre-drying tumble dryers and drying tunnels is completely eliminated, meaning that capsules exiting from the ILDS24 are ready for immediate final inspection and packaging, saving time and manual labour.

The units are fully PLC controlled with touchscreen HMI, allowing simple access to all features including cycle time, basket speed, blower speed, and air parameters. Drying baskets are fabricated from perforated stainless steel sheet, and have side access doors and a large removable end-cover for easy inspection, cleaning and service. A distributor unit feeds both lines alternately with capsules from the encapsulating machine, maximising throughput matched to the encapsulation performance.


  • Complete drying solution for high volume encapsulation machines
  • Removes the need for pre-drying tumbling and drying tunnels, maximising throughput
  • Capsules leave the drying system ready for final inspection and packaging
  • Full PLC control matches the drying performance to your line throughput
  • Stainless steel covers, with smooth surfaces at all contact points for easy and quick cleaning

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