Continuous-flow dryer for grain and oilseeds

Ensuring that grains and oilseeds are properly dried is crucial for maintaining their quality during storage and further processing. Traditional drying methods can be energy-intensive and time-consuming, leading to uneven moisture profiles and potential product degradation.

Achieve uniform drying with reduced energy consumption

The Eco Dry by Buhler is a continuous-flow column drying system designed for desiccating wet grains and oilseeds such as rice, corn, and wheat. Its patented vertical duct design and product flow separation result in gentle drying, minimizing thermal stress while ensuring a uniform moisture profile. Equipped with a heat recovery system and tailored heating media, the Eco Dry optimizes energy consumption while effectively removing moisture. The optional Eco Clean centrifugal dedusting system can further ensure compliance with strict dust emission standards, making it suitable for a variety of industrial applications.


  • Gentle drying helps maintain high product quality
  • Energy-efficient through optimized product flow and heat recovery
  • Uniform moisture profile for reliable storage and processing
  • Optional dedusting system for compliance with emission standards
  • Minimal thermal stress on the product

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