Beer pasteurizer

Contamination and cross-infection by microorganisms is a major risk in the production of foods and beverages. This risk can be negated by effective pasteurisation. Of all the heat treatments available, flash pasteurization (also called “high temperature short time” or HTST pasteurisation) is the most efficient method, thanks to the ability to recover some of the input heat. As well as offering reduced running costs, a flash pasteuriser can increase your throughput, improving line efficiency.

High efficiency flash (HTST) pasteuriser

The Flash Pasteuriser from Ipros is one of the most efficient pasteurization units on the market today. Depending on the product being treated, up to 96% of the input heat can be recovered at the end of the cycle.

Because of the nature of HTST pasteurization, our systems ensure maximum product quality, ensuring contaminants are rendered inactive with minimal impact to taste, colour, odour, texture, etc.

Every Ipros flash pasteurizer is bespoke to your needs, designed and engineered to match your exact product and treatment requirements.

A qualified Project/Process Engineer is assigned to your project for the entire duration, from requirements, design and engineering, through to testing, installation and commissioning.


  • Highly efficient pasteurization for a range of foods and beverages
  • Up to 96% heat recovery
  • Increased throughput compared to other pasteurisation methods
  • Bespoke flash pasteurization systems designed to meet your exact requirements

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