#Changemaker: Are you ready for the food of tomorrow?

What do insects taste like?

We can tell you all about it because Making.com did a mealworm degustation.

Straight from Vilnius, we had the pleasure of meeting Divaks in Paris at Food Ingredients Europe 2022. This Lithuanian food-tech company develops high-quality insect-derived ingredients to enhance your product’s quality and nutritional properties.

In addition to the mealworm’s functional properties – the protein content – the Divaks process produces a clean sensory profile that makes mealworms applicable to sweet and savory recipes. The natural oil content in the insect releases more complex flavors in products.

And I’ll tell you more. Edible insects are a sustainable choice because commercial insect farming has a low environmental footprint, requiring minimal water, energy, and land resources.

Insects are the food of tomorrow. Are you ready for that?

Thank you, Divaks , for the great talk!

Let's make

Mealworm protein
Mealworm protein