Shelling mill for Iqf fruits and vegetables

Frozen fruit and vegetable processing often requires breaking down IQF lumps and puree conglomerations for further processing. These challenges can complicate the workflow and reduce efficiency if not handled properly.

Efficient shelling for Iqf and frozen lumps

The Shelling Mill PR49 from Boema S.p.A. is designed for processing IQF fruits and vegetables, lumps, and frozen puree drums into smaller, manageable pieces. The product can then be discharged directly into subsequent processes or collected in trays for easier handling. What sets this shelling mill apart is its ability to ensure consistent shelling and pulping, making it ideal for producing a uniform product ready for further processing. This system is crucial in applications requiring high precision and efficiency in frozen fruit and vegetable processing.


  • Consistent shelling and pulping
  • Efficiency in processing frozen products
  • Direct discharge into next stage or collection trays
  • Reduces workflow complexity
  • Ideal for high-precision processing requirements



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